This may well be my favorite picture I've taken all year — as decidedly unremarkable as it may look. Let me explain.
Okay, so unless you've been living under a proverbial rock in the social media world, you've probably seen the news that Facebook, in an effort to redistribute attention on the platform, will be deemphasizing content from Brands in the News Feed. For the work that I've been doing and plan to do over the next weeks, months and years, it's the straw that broke the camel's back.
As mentioned in my recent post, “Cheers, 2014“ I’m looking to highlight the work of my fellow photographers, news photojournalists, and multimedia specialists. Do you have new work or project in the works? Ideas about the future of the industry? Changing careers and want to talk about your experiences? Or, just want to show off some neat stuff you’ve created recently?
Sure, self-promotion is great and all, but I think there’s a better way.
So right here on Photo Forward, I want to feature interviews with YOU. But, obviously I can’t do it on my own. I’ll be reaching out to some of you over the next weeks, but if you would like to be featured or know of anyone who would, shoot me a message on my contact page or in the contact form below